
Poster Presentation Measurement 70 x 100 cm (Vertical)


After abstracts acceptance, authors are requested to prepare an 8 pages manuscript following guidelines. All manuscripts should be written in good English and submitted via the congress’ website or e-mails.

Instructions for preparation and submission of papers 

General Information

Authors of oral presenters and posters are welcomed to submit their manuscript to the congress (after reviewing process, the manuscript could be published at Manas Journal of Agriculture Veterinary and Life Sciences.The work described has not been published before; that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Length of the printed paper

The manuscript will be reviewed by an Editorial Board prior to publication. maximum recommended Length of paper is 8 pages, including figures and tables. An average page of text will contain about 500 words. 


English, Turkish, Kyrgyz and Russian are the official language of the congress. 


English or American spelling could be used. Uniformity within each paper is required. Latin words or phrases are in italics, with the exception of very common expressions such as “i.e.,” “e.g.,” “et al.,” “in vitro,” “ex vitro” and “etc.” The expression “etc.” for “and so forth” should be used only with series, such as 1, 2, 3, etc.


Use the metric system exclusively. Use abbreviation L for liter, mg L1 for milligram(me) per liter, mL for milliliter, µL for microliter and t for tonne (metric ton). SI units can be used where appropriate.

Font and type size

Use Times New Roman  font. Titles are printed in 16 point, references in the Literature cited section in 9 point, and the rest of the manuscript, including tables should be 11 point. When italic typeface is required use italic type, do not underline.

Plant, animal or microorganisms names

Scientific names are to be included for all species and are to be in italic font except for the abbreviations “var.”, “subsp.”, “f.”, etc. which indicate rank at infraspecific level (e.g., Cedrus libani subsp. atlantica, Phytophthora parasitica var. nicotianae).

Headings ranks and format

Papers contain one to four headings, all aligned at the left hand margin, as follows:


Use boldface and all capital letters. Use a space before this rank but subsequent paragraph(s) continue without a space. Subsequent paragraphs within this section are indented without spaces between paragraphs. Headings such as INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS, DISCUSSION, and ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS are RANK ONE headings. Do not use a period after this heading.

Rank two

This heading subdivides RANK ONE headings, thus there must be at least two or more Rank two subheads. Titles are boldface and “sentence case”. Rank two headings are separated by a space above the heading as in RANK ONE headings. No period after Rank two headings. The paragraph starts on the first line after the Rank two heading and is indented.

 1.Rank three.

This heading may be used to divide Rank two headings. Initiate this heading with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.) with numbers and title in boldface and in “sentence case”. The subheading ends with a period in boldface. Rank three headings are separated by a space above the heading as in RANK ONE headings. The paragraph starts on the first line after the Rank three heading and is indented.

 Rank four.

This heading subdividing Rank three headings will be used rarely. Align left and end with a period. The font is italic, nonboldface, “sentence case”. Rank four headings are separated by a space above the heading as in RANK ONE headings. The paragraph starts on the first line after the Rank four heading and is indented.



The printable area on your sheet of paper is strictly fixed (15.3 × 23.5 cm = 6.02 × 9.25 inches) irrespective of paper size. For A4 size paper this printable area is obtained by entering following margin settings in the “page setup” of your wordprocessor: top: 2.7 cm (1.06”); bottom: 3.5 cm (1.38”); left: 2.8 cm (1.10”); right: 2.9 cm (1.14”).

Spacing and indentations

The final text should have line spacing exactly 12 pt. Titles of subheadings should not be underlined. Text should be “justified” in order to fill the entire printable area.

First lines of all paragraphs should have a 1 cm indentation. Do not include blank lines between paragraphs within a section. 



Use “sentence case” except for proper names, genus names, etc. Do not include authorities for binomials in titles. Keep titles as concise as possible. Binomials will be in italics. Titles are printed in 16 point


The byline under the title includes the name of author(s) (without titles) and affiliations. The given name of authors should be listed by initials. Initials are followed by a period. If two initials are listed, do not include a space between them but provide a space before the family name. The family name is always presented after the given name. Titles are printed in 11 point.


F. Erdoğan1, M. Paksoy1,2 and Ö. Türkmen3

1Institute xxx, City, Country; 2Center xxx, University xxx, City, Country; 3Department xxx, Faculty xxx, University xxx, City, Country. 


Use a Rank two heading for Abstract. An abstract in English, limited to 250 words in a single paragraph. Indent the first line of the abstract (1 cm). The abstract should contain a concise but comprehensive statement of the problem and results.


This is a Rank two heading followed by colon in boldface (Keywords: Melon, Protected cultivation, Watermelon,). List five to seven keywords not used in the title. The second line of keywords is a hanging indent (2 cm).


This should include a statement of the problem, a brief survey of previous work, and the scope and purpose of the investigation. References to previous work should be included.

Materials and methods

This section should be included in papers describing experiments but may not be required in review papers. Describe concisely the materials, the growing technique, methods used, and layout of experiments etc. Include the name of all chemicals and compounds. An indication of the statistical methods used to analyze data should be included.

Results and discussion

This is the heart of the paper. The section(s) may either be presented as a single section or divided into separate Results and Discussion sections. If separate, describe experimental results in the Results section and reserve interpretations, speculations, and conclusions for the Discussion section.


At the end of the paper attempt to answer questions formulated in the introduction and conclude with a summary of results and an assessment of future research or prospects 


This is reserved for journal paper numbers, source of funding, and name of the project, if required. Acknowledgement of help from colleagues or professional associates is appropriate but avoid acknowledgement of routine secretarial help or family members.

Literature cited

Please make sure all references from the Literature cited section are cited in the text of the article. Please check them in details.


Citations to references in the text are listed chronologically surrounded by parentheses with the following format: (Sensoy, 2013; Turkmen and Sensoy, 2014; Paksoy et al., 2015a, b). Note: “et al.” is used for three or more authors; letters a, b, etc. are used if there are two authors with the same name that have published in the same year.

Citations to personal communications include the initials and surname of the person and are only to be included within the text, not in the Literature cited section. The date is optional. Thus: (K. Abak, pers. commun.) or (K. Abak, pers. commun., 2013).

References should be formatted according to APA rules (available at citations of Google scholar).

Journal paper:

Sensoy, S., Demir, S., Turkmen, O., Erdinc, C., & Savur, O. B. (2007). Responses of some different pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) genotypes to inoculation with two different arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Scientia Horticulturae, 113(1), 92-95.


Murovec, J., & Bohanec, B. (2012). Haploids and doubled haploids in plant breeding. INTECH Open Access Publisher.

Chapter in book:

Seckinger, G. R. (1991). Micropropagation of vegetable crop species. In Micropropagation (pp. 265-284). Springer Netherlands.

Chapter in conference proceedings:

Türkmen, Ö., Șensoy, S., Erdinç, Ç., & Paksoy, M. (2012). Determination of genetic diversity among Çumra melon genotypes by ISSR markers. In Cucurbitaceae 2012. Proceedings of the Xth EUCARPIA Meeting on Genetics and Breeding of Cucurbitaceae, Antalya, Turkey, 15-18 October, 2012 (pp. 520-527). University of Cukurova, Ziraat Fakultesi.


Food and Agricultural Organization. (2016). www.fao.org.

Tables and figures

Tables and figures must be embedded in the article. Captions are provided directly above each table and below each figure. They are numbered consecutively with Arabic numbers, and aligned to the full width of the page. Thus, Table 1, Table 2, etc. and Figure 1, Figure 2, etc. If the table or figure is not original, give the source at the end of the caption, e.g. Source: Jones et al. (2001).


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